Thursday, March 29, 2012

update notes from cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.12 to cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.13.0-beta release

Today, cocos2d-1.0.1-x-0.13.0-beta is released.

And if you want to update to this new version, there are some minor changes you may need to do when you updated.

1. CCTouch remove the view() method.

So, if you want to detect touches, you need change your code like below.


CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInView( touch->view() );


CCPoint touchPoint = touch->locationInView();

2. ccc4() has changed to ccc4f().

That's straight-forward changed. Just rename your function call from ccc4() to ccc4f().

BTW, there is another change that the under helloworld folder is gone. You may take your eyes on that and check if everything is fine if you build iOS & Android dual-platform project like me.

BTW2, don't forget to take a look on our cocos2d-x game: ChickenEggs both on iOS and Android. Now we have integrated facebook and twitter share features on that.(・ω・)


  1. Informative stuff. Actually, I'm also a student and find out the solved or answers to my syllabus questions & landed here. French, which previously shared a significant role of in selection, is now relegated to the background. Its a fact you have also shared an enjoyable and informative piece of content here. Anyways, thanks for sharing the nice piece of stuff with us.

  2. I will definitely check out the new version updates.
