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如同我一開始所說的…我是個「獨立」開發者…因此能運用的時間並不多…比起把時間花在行銷上…我的理念是還不如把時間花在把產品做好…以及更好的回應那些已經付錢的使用者…而在行銷資源嚴重不足的狀況下…在 App Store 上的評分幾乎就是我唯一的曝光管道了…也正因為如此…當 Apple 開放讓開發者可以回覆評論時…我花了很長的時間…把從 1.0 開始到現在「所有」的使用者評論都回覆了…就算他們不太可能再回過頭來看到這些回覆…但我還是這麼做了…希望可以透過這樣的一點小小的堅持…讓已經付費的使用者感受到我這個開發者的用心…
我努力的將反應的管道做的如此順暢與即時…就是希望大家如果只是反應意見或是問問題的話…儘可能利用這二個管道…而不要在 App Store 上給「一星」評價來引起我的注意…我也很不希望大家這麼做…因為這對 UrKeyboard 來說…傷害非常的大…因為對於還沒接觸過 UrKeyboard 的使用者來說…平均的星等數…幾乎就決定他是否會繼續往下了解這個 App 的內容…而一個一顆星的評論…需要好幾個三星到四星的評分才有辦法把平均星等往上拉…尤其是在中國人相對保守、五星本來就很難得到的狀況下…影響更是巨大…
貼心小提醒:因為 UrKeyboard 需要讀取本機上的輸入法字典檔,因此這個選項必須要打開,才能正常讀取字典檔。 UrKeyboard 有嚴格遵守 Apple 開發條款,不會在非必要的狀況下收集使用者資料, Apple 也不會允許這個行為,在送審時如有發現,就會被拒絕上架,請大家放心。我們的隱私權聲明
I love cocos2d-x, it helps me to write games quickly on iOS and android with just one code base.
But I found a small problem that if my cocos2d-x games run into background, and when it get back to foreground, it will restart !
That means if you play my game for a while and a phone call just received, after you pick up the call, you will need to re-play the game from the very first stage.
That's bad, and I don't like it !
After a while googling, I found the solution, and I post here to make sure if someone have the same issue with me, and you can try this solution, it works for me, and maybe you too !
Step1 : open the AppDelegate.cpp
Step2 : make your code like below
// This function will be called when the app is inactive. When comes a phone call,it's be invoked too
void AppDelegate::applicationDidEnterBackground()
// if you use SimpleAudioEngine, it must be pause CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->pauseBackgroundMusic();
// this function will be called when the app is active again
void AppDelegate::applicationWillEnterForeground()
CCDirector::sharedDirector()->startAnimation(); // if you use SimpleAudioEngine, it must resume here CocosDenshion::SimpleAudioEngine::sharedEngine()->resumeBackgroundMusic();
Thanks for your support, MapRecord 3.0 finally comes out to App Store. There are several big things update, please don't forget to get your latest update version.
★★★★★ Thank you for your support! All new features are here for you!
1. Improve recording efficiency - Supports latest new iOS5 recording features, give you the smoothly video recording experience ever and never!
2. Facebook, Twitter sharing and save to Camera Roll features - You can save a whole video or a "Single Frame" of video, and share them to your friends!
3. Keeping a section of cycling videos - Instantly keep your cycling video clips, no afraid of overwriting them!
4. Improved gestures - Double taps with two fingers makes Start/Stop recording! Swiping with two fingers makes Keeping an recording clip! Two finger to zoom in/out maps!
5. Some bugs fix, and UI improve.
PS: When recording, to avoid that iPhone becoming over-heating! Please set device on a well ventilated place, and make it's body exposed for radiating the heat.